In seara asta mi-am adus aminte de un obicei uitat dar si imposibil de pastrat... Imi amintesc ca deseori ma uitam pe fereastra apartamentului in care locuiam cu parintii mei si numaram ferestrele luminate de la blocurile alaturate. Mereu ma miram ce putine sunt si ma intrebam ce fac oamenii din casele fara vreo fereastra luminata - daca s-au culcat sau se afla intr-o camera cu ferestrele pe partea celalta a blocului sau daca sunt plecati... Oricum, mi se parea ciudat si continuam sa ma intreb din cand in cand. chiar si acum ma intreb cate ferestre or fi luminate la blocuri de vis a vis de blocul nostru. As putea sa o rog pe Dana sa numere! :D oare ar face asta pentru mine?
Imi dau seama ca a trecut mult din viata mea pentru ca in curand voi vedea o persoana pe care nu am mai vazut-o de mult. Am intalnit-o in adolescenta, mi-a fost buna prietena foarte mult timp si apoi nu am mai vazut-o o bucata buna si acum o sa o vad din nou. Era un timp cand nu aveam nici un prieten bun pe care sa il revad dupa o lunga perioada. Prietenii cei mai buni erau cei ai prezentului. Mi se pare mie ca acum am un pic de istorie. Daca as fi avut un copil acum i-as fi povestit ca pe Moni o stiu de foarte mult timp chiar daca el (copilul) nu a intalnit-o niciodata. Gandul ca peste 5 ani o sa am si mai multa istorie imi place... Eu acum astept sa se scrie istoria in dreptul meu... dar sper sa o scriu eu si sa nu se scrie singura. As vrea sa am curajul sa imi scriu singura istoria.
Azi am avut un interviu - imi caut de mult un job si acest interviu nu a fost decat al patrulea... A fost interesant ca spre deosebire de alte ocazii si desi a fost un f. lung interviu (1h), de data aceasta nu mi s-au pus intrebarile care ma deranjeaza cel mai mult: care sunt calitatile / defectele tale, unde te vezi in 5 ani de acum incolo, ce salariu primeai inainte, de ce ti-ai parasit job-ul anterior, de cand esti in UK, unde ai invatat engleza si ce lucreaza sotul (sau daca vreau sa am copii curand)... Sper sa ma scuteasca de astfel de intrebari si la urmatorul interviu daca ajung in etapa respectiva. Primele doua prea stereotipe, nu? iar urmatoarele, desi in parte justificabile, sunt cel putin neprietenoase, unele chiar insidioase, rasiste sau ilegale.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
un strumf uimitor!
Trebuie sa imi laud verisoara: poate as fi scris despre un asemenea strumf poznas cum e verisoara mea chiar daca nu s-ar fi inrudit cu mine... pentru ca pur si simplu m-a lasat cu gura cascata cand, la cei numai 3 ani ai ei, recita povesti intregi (mot a mot) cu toata intonatia de rigoare pretinzand ca le citeste. Parintii ei ne-au asigurat ca nu se face nici un efort de memorare - ei doar ii citesc povestile de cateva ori dupa care ea le repeta ca un magnetofon... hmmm - unii copii...
Monday, January 12, 2009
By flying car from London to Timbuktu
A voyage to fabled Timbuktu in a flying car may sound like a magical childhood fantasy.
But this week a British adventurer will set off from London on an incredible journey through Europe and Africa in a souped-up sand buggy, travelling by road - and air.
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But this week a British adventurer will set off from London on an incredible journey through Europe and Africa in a souped-up sand buggy, travelling by road - and air.
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Thursday, January 8, 2009
Is love just a chemical cocktail?
Writing in the respected scientific journal Nature, Professor Young argues that love can be explained by a series of neurochemical events in specific brain areas.
If it is true, he says, people will no longer have to rely on oysters or chocolates to create a loving mood.
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If it is true, he says, people will no longer have to rely on oysters or chocolates to create a loving mood.
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Monday, January 5, 2009
Chill out, you beautiful people, the Versace beach is refrigerated
Stirea Zilei: Versace, the renowned fashion house, is to create the world’s first refrigerated beach so that hotel guests can walk comfortably across the sand on scorching days.
The beach will be next to the the new Palazzo Versace hotel which is being built in Dubai where summer temperatures average 40C and can reach 50C.
The beach will have a network of pipes beneath the sand containing a coolant that will absorb heat from the surface.
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Stiati ca...In research by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the American Lung Association, candles have been shown to emit a frightening range of carcinogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
In addition, like anything that burns, candles produce a microscopic soot that can sometimes contain toxic heavy metals released from the candle wick.
Burning multiple candles, or a candle with multiple wicks, can lead to high levels of indoor pollution. Scented candles give off more of this soot than unscented candles.
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5 ianuarie
2005 - Eris, the largest known dwarf planet in the solar system, is discovered by the team of Michael E. Brown, Chad Trujillo, and David L. Rabinowitz using images originally taken on October 21, 2003, at the Palomar Observatory.
1932 - Umberto Eco, Italian writer , is born
1969 - Marilyn Manson, American singer, is born
piece of communication:
sms from Maria: "...Cred ca pt toata lumea e greu sa reinceapa munca..."
sns frin Melania: "...parca nu imi pot intra in ritm nicicum..."
The beach will be next to the the new Palazzo Versace hotel which is being built in Dubai where summer temperatures average 40C and can reach 50C.
The beach will have a network of pipes beneath the sand containing a coolant that will absorb heat from the surface.
read more here
Stiati ca...In research by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the American Lung Association, candles have been shown to emit a frightening range of carcinogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
In addition, like anything that burns, candles produce a microscopic soot that can sometimes contain toxic heavy metals released from the candle wick.
Burning multiple candles, or a candle with multiple wicks, can lead to high levels of indoor pollution. Scented candles give off more of this soot than unscented candles.
read more here
5 ianuarie
2005 - Eris, the largest known dwarf planet in the solar system, is discovered by the team of Michael E. Brown, Chad Trujillo, and David L. Rabinowitz using images originally taken on October 21, 2003, at the Palomar Observatory.
1932 - Umberto Eco, Italian writer , is born
1969 - Marilyn Manson, American singer, is born
piece of communication:
sms from Maria: "...Cred ca pt toata lumea e greu sa reinceapa munca..."
sns frin Melania: "...parca nu imi pot intra in ritm nicicum..."
Friday, January 2, 2009
What's to love this year
Looking forward to 2009 - interesting, and not only for the ones living in the UK’s+to+love+this+year/’s+to+love+this+year/
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