Tuesday, November 27, 2007

alergii de bun augur

People who suffer from allergies are well acquainted with immunoglobulin E (IgE). It is this class of antibodies that plays a key role in causing an allergy sufferer's immune system to overreact. Oncologists too are very familiar with IgE. Numerous in-depth studies have shown that those with raised levels of IgE are much less likely to suffer from certain types of cancer. Or in other words - allergy sufferers are at a lower risk of developing cancer.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

IKEA - astia au idei poznase


Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Ma pregatesc pt Craciun - TREBUIE sa-i cer banii lui SEFA! HA
Citesc "Asteptandu-i pe barbari" Coetzee - imi place
Imi place ce mi-a trimis sor-mea...
Citesc ziarele frantuzesti.
Mananc paine poloneza.
Ma imbrac nemteste. :D
Nu cumpar nimic italienesc. :))
Azi nu gatesc - gateste Albert.
Ma simt privita de o bufnita.
Bonsaiul e bine.
Porcusorul e plin.
Mi-am facut ordine intre fisierele cu muzica... Astept iPod-ul.

Friday, November 16, 2007